My Heart

…my silence is for your benefit

May 6, 2018

I am a person comfortable in silence, we can sit for hours on end in silence and I will be not be moved, that’s just me, or should I say that’s one of my personas cause really who I am to you or is not necessarily who I am to someone else, I mean come on:

  1. I am human what fun is there if I do not realise all my personalities I am sure I have not even scratched the surface
  2. I am a woman, surely where would the mystery be

Now I know some people have read the 2 reasons above and thought, “and where is the consistency in that?” Have you never gone for a funeral and it’s speeches time and one person will say a thing about the deceased and you are just there like, “I never knew that about that person!”? Hence the saying you never really know a person. We have so many personalities some just choose not to exploit them, that’s them, it’s definitely not me!

At times when I am quite people mistake it for anger or when I am among a group of people they mistake it for boredom or that I am failing to connect. At times I do fail to connect with certain people and I will not force small talk, at times I do force the small talk and end up realising that the person is actually interesting.  You can say a thing and I will hear you, I might possibly take a while to respond but when I do respond rest assured I will answer you back accordingly or at times I am quick to answer back. When I do take my time to respond it will be because my silence is for your benefit and I will be debating with myself “to be or not to be,” or I will be thinking, “What Would Jesus Do?”

Some people do not deserve your response they deserve your silence. I would rather be quite and watch you squirm  thinking about what you just said and if it truly deserves my response. Some people are trying, they can say extremely mean things to you and expect you to respond in the most unreasonable way aka Just-Because-I-Am-Mean-It-Does-Not-Mean-I-Do-Not-Deserve-A-Friendly-Response kind of people… hell to the no you deserve my silence.

Some people just don’t get the basics lol! Don’t push me if I do not respond to you, let it preach to you this message “My silence is for your benefit!!!!”, I am still learning how to respond to rude and bitter people, I am still learning how to respond to foolishness, I am still learning how to respond to people who provoke me, I am still learning how to respond to wannabe comedians who have to slap me to laugh *sigh* ……. The person I used to be to these people is getting me nowhere , so now I am learning to either verbally respond by saying “my silence in this matter is for your benefit” or quietly thinking “my silence is for your benefit” and just not respond. This offsets people, they either giggle nervously or walk away but in the end the message gets across to them loud and clear.

Me says you would have done them a huge favour, you are protecting them. Not everyone deserves your response, and not everyone deserves to be responded to by you, it’s a 2 way street. You just need to know which path you are on.

  1. Rutendo Matongo

    May 6, 2018

    Yay!! Finally!! 😘

  2. SpekkTrumn

    May 6, 2018

    I believe that we all have one personality with different sides that are shown depending on how close the person you’re communicating with is to you emotionally

  3. Montell

    May 7, 2018


  4. Prosper k

    May 8, 2018

    My silence sometimes is what’s best for both of us

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