My Heart

….a place my heart speaks

March 19, 2018


Have you ever been in a situation where you just feel empty?

Like there is nothing but emptiness,

There is nothing to add on to, there is nothing to take away,

Just plain old emptiness…..

It’s a difficult place to be in,

It’s the worst place to be in,

Because that empty space is waiting to be filled by something.

Something that will add value,

Something that will bring about the change you desire,

You know what it is, but a part of you is also unsure, you are waiting to experience it just so you can be certain….

You think to yourself, “maybe if I go this place I will be better.”

But nothing…

You say, “maybe if I talk to this person they will draw it out and it will all be ok.”

But nothing…

So you are left sad and yearning

Yearning for something deeper than words can express.

Have you ever been in a situation where you just feel empty?

I have, it’s a frightening place to be

Because I did not know how to feel, I wasn’t sure I would find my way back.

But I learnt to embrace the emptiness and I am glad I did cause there are lessons I learnt,

There is life and death in emptiness,

That’s how some ideas are birthed and some ideas recede…in the emptiness,

Some of the best songs you have ever heard that speak to you came from a place of emptiness, a place of yearning

It’s so much more than emptiness, it’s all a matter of perspective.

Listen to your heart speak in the emptiness…..

May you find God in the place of your emptiness

There you will find love and light