Dear Diary


November 1, 2017

First let me tell you how much joy and pleasure I get from just seeing you grow. You are turning into a beautiful woman and you remind me so much of your mother when she was your age, so elegant and graceful. 

It is so funny how time flies, when I left you, you were only but a baby without a care in the world yet now look at you, you can hold your own, you have turned out to be such a responsible young lady, you make me so proud. My baby girl now a young lady WOOOOW how time does fly!!!!!!

The sound of your laughter hmmm music to my ears, seeing you smile, I promise the angels can’t help but smile right back at you. I revel in the fact that you have friends who love you, people that appreciate and love you just the way you are and  the “Africa, Africa” thing you got going on I love it. And that young man who wants your hand in marriage let him know I am watching him with hawk eyes, I see him, he better not break your heart, you are too special for that. As I watch you grow I think about the time when you first said “daddy” dear child words cannot express the joy that filled my heart, I remember those kisses that you used to give me when you were going to school, there you were so short and your uniform oversized 🙂 how I wish I could bring back those days. 

I never got a chance to say how sorry I was for leaving you, I know I must have left you when you needed me the most. I can’t begin to express the hurt and the agony I feel every time I hear you cry, it pains me that I can’t reach out my hands and hug you, make you feel safe and secure, assure you that everything will be okay. I can’t help but shed a tear when I see the smile of envy on your face when you see other fathers with their daughters, I know you wish it was you, I wish it was you. I see you wondering, thinking away what is going to become of your life. I know it could have been better with me there. I want you to know and understand that I only wanted the best for you, I wanted you to have all that you desired in life and more. I wanted to refuse and stay here with you, watch you grow into the Woman of God I always cried out night and day before God that you would be……..

I wanted to walk you down the aisle, I wanted to be the one to give you words of wisdom as you enter into your new life, I wanted to be the one to “instil fear” into that young man so he knows who really is the man….. 

I wanted to be the one to bless the fruit of your womb, I wanted to be the man you could depend on all your life and be there for you, protect you and shield you from all harm, unfortunately my baby, we can plan all we want, wish all we want and desire all we want but we are only but ordinary people before an extraordinary God who does as He wills, when He wants, after all He is the Potter and noone can question Him. 

I could write on and on but I want you to always remember one thing that my heart resonates with love for you, I watch over you and care deeply for you. I delight in knowing that one day we shall be together again. I know you will enjoy it here, all the songs you love are sang everyday and well you won’t have to worry about your teeth rotting. 

I love you now and forever, all my love to the ends of the world and back again. My number one baby girl, just don’t tell you sister 😉  



P.S. Gabriel says hie and Jesus said to tell you that He loves you even more than I ever could and He is not going to let you out of His sight no matter what.


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