Blog Indaba

….mixed emotions much

June 30, 2019

Look at us feeling like a million bucks cause we made it to day 30! Shout it from the rooftops, we made it, despite internet, electricity, relationships/ situationships we freaking made it and we deserve to be recognised.

Today I am actually going to take some time out and enjoy life, I am going to sleep without thinking about the next post. I am going to spend a few hours away from my phone reading, liking and commenting and seeming anti social because I want to catch up on posts lol fomo had me this time around, I did not want to miss a single post. It does feel good to be done with this challenge, my life was revolving around this for a whole month now I need something new to obsess on.

I know we will still meet in these blogging streets, you and I we are joined on the blogging hip. I am so glad I met many of you, thanks to Afrobloggers I have made new friends and hopefully the blogging conference will happen, hopefully it will be a 2 week conference, 1 day of learning and 13 days of travelling and visiting all those lovely place you wrote about your countries.

I am going to miss interacting with you all everyday lol but till the next challenge, be encouraged, you are more than just words and paper, you are a movement…you are the best thing to come out of Africa and by the time some people will realise it you will be flying so high gravity won’t be able to pull you down.

Continue inspiring and telling your stories, we are in this together and I hope our interactions won’t stop here else the Afrobloggers Admin will notice this and shove another challenge our way before we have recovered lol

And to the man behind Afrobloggers, we gochu

We came, we saw, we conquered and we keep on conquering cause we bawsss

Love you


I promise, Barney made me do this