Blog Indaba

Legend of The Flying Elephant

June 17, 2020

I have never been much of a soccer fan but I recognise greatness. The first and only time I have ever been to the National Sport Stadium to watch a soccer match was when I was 9 years. We went with my mother to watch a Zimbabwe versus Zambia match. Looking back it was really out of my mothers character cause the match was played on a Sunday.

My mother made us skip church for soccer. Crazy!

Growing up there was one player whose name was on everyone’s lips. He was that guy little boys aspired to be. That guy girls wanted to marry and mothers wanted their sons to be.

He was that guy who changed the face of soccer, from just being chikweshe to a career. An international career. All of a sudden David Beckham didn’t seem like a TV myth.. He was reachable. The EPL, Manchester United was possible for that little boy in the ghetto who wanted to play soccer but wasn’t sure if he would make it.

That man’s name is Peter Ndlovu.

Peter Ndlovu is one of the best players to come out of Zimbabwe. A skilful, badass, exceptional player. Lucky for him his brothers were also noteworthy soccer players, Adam and Madhinda Ndlovu.

He started off his career at Highlanders BOSSO sorry I didn’t mean to write that in caps but yeah he was at BOSSO. And then he went on to make history by being the first African payer to play in the EPL. He played for Coventry and he was the first player in 30 years of Coventry history to score 3 goals against Liverpool.

He was so fast they nicknamed him the flying elephant (Ndlovu is elephant in english). I mean imagine being such an icon home and away you are a record breaker.

I mean talk about being destined for greatness.

Now why would I not want to be in the presence of such greatness, even for just a minute?

  1. Khanani Daniella

    June 20, 2020

    Awww Ndlovu.
    You like football that much? Interesting. What would you talk to him about?

    • Nobu

      June 22, 2020

      Funny enough I only watch it during World Cup the hype and vibe makes it hard not to 😂

      1. What I would like to know form him is if he looks in the mirror and just says “hey there legend” or does he need sticky notes to remind him every once in a while.

      2. How did he manage to keep his head above the waters being in a new continent playing with people you know nothing about

      3. Black tax!!! How did he manage it considering he was getting paid a looot of money in pounds

      And I guess just how it feels to be a pioneer

      • Khanani Daniella

        June 22, 2020

        Awww hahaha cute questions.
        I hope you get to meet him one day.
        Hahaha hey there legend killed me 😂😂

        • Nobu

          June 24, 2020

          I hope so too lol thank you for reading ♥️

          • Khanani Daniella

            June 24, 2020

            You’re welcome ☺️

  2. damimyne

    June 21, 2020

    Your mum skipped church for a football match😂😂 That’s so interesting!

    • Nobu

      June 22, 2020

      It’s crazy! The only reason one would skip church in our home was if you were in hospital, so this was so out of her character lol

      • damimyne

        June 23, 2020

        😂😂 I can relate to that!

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