Blog Indaba

How beautiful is right now? Creative Crush

December 12, 2018

Have you ever read a post that just made you realise that the beautiful moments in life are actually all the total sum of small moments? As I was reading through this blog and thinking about today’s blogging challenge about an achievement, one word kept ringing in my head: gratitude! I don’t know why, it might be his writing style but the way Tee writes makes you reflect.

This is my kind of blog, beautifully written, simple in terms of layout and yet so deep in meaning. I need you to understand that I suck at a lot of things and using Glutternburg or whatever it’s called for WordPress blogging and linking posts so that when I say here you can automatically click to the post is one of the things I am failing at a loooot these days. I could send you the link but where’s the beauty in that 😆😏😜 how’s about you go to the blogsite which I can paste ever so professionally and you go through his site and check out the post from which todays blog post is derived from.

Everything in the past might’ve been beautiful but it’s gone, it’s now just a memory. I think right now in this moment is the time I feel most alive!

TeeMadzika: The last time I felt alive

How many times do you ever feel like you are stuck in a time zone and fail to enjoy the now because your mind keeps taking you back to then when it was beautiful? That’s a sad place to be in because you miss out on so much and you know this post just reminds one to take in the now, enjoy the moments as they come, laugh now, dance now, sing now, do it now!!

Keep endless possibilities alive, because feeling closed in or limited is when a part of us begins to die.

TeeMadzika: Purpose

In the book Becoming, Michelle Obama talks about how when she was growing up she always answered to this question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” by saying she wanted to be a doctor cause she discovered that’s what adults wanted to hear and yet that’s not what she really wanted to be. She says “people ask little kids what do you want to be when you grow up as if once you are an adult you stop becoming” and you know what, that’s so true! What stops one from becoming everything they want to be? As long as you have a mind, what stops ypu from being a doctor and painter? Or an electrician and singer? The way we can limit ourselves is amazing. I commend Tee’s dad for realising electricity was snot his thing and quiting before he burnt his house down lol. 

I guess know your limitations but don’t limit yourself. I would advise you to follow this blog, his posts are thought provoking and his poetry is amazing too, I enjoyed Best of the Year Poetic Tale. You want to follow this guy, he writes from a place of gratitude…..i felt, I could be wrong but then again that’s my half thought 💁


December 13, 2018


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