I am having a great time coming up with blog titles cause I usually struggle a lot with that so it’s been fun.
So I was thinking to myself why is today’s challenge about the Africa I never read about? Who is controlling the narrative? Why have I never read about an african superheroe actually from the real Africa not Wakanda who I don’t know is unrelenting like Shaka with the resilient mind of Mandela, a musical Ras Tafari genius like Marley who challenges African leaders and dares them to be better? All this African Melanin Butter and no Wonder Woman from us for us!? Whaddis
Anyhoo I don’ know much but here is a little pictory
You won’t read about how despite the political/economic/ social turbulence we still find a reason to play ….how we revere our mountains, wildlife because totems, we are one with nature….our love for our townships that tell stories, each one a part of our history, the stories we could write about our historic townships even the names alone are not just names they have a meaning …..our creativity we don’t play when it comes to adorning our spaces, we don’t just see beauty where is there is none, we freaking create the beauty …..need I say more…..freedom of religion, I don’t know about other African countries but in Zimbabwe there is a mosque downtown where they have these humongous speakers outside so when they are staring their prayers and you are downtown, all you hear is the chanting….our beautiful architecture, what say you isn’t this building aesthetically designed? The level of detail…..and this one too, I don’t know why but these Victorian designed buildings really fascinate me, you hardly read about African architecture,our forefathers built these things, they might not have lived in them but their hands crafted these beauties that’s enough for me….our respect for fellow Africans, we love their leaders so much such that roads are named after them, we recognise their contribution to making Africa what it is and we want our children growing up knowing who Julius Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah, ….how despite the harsh economic situations we are still trying to make a dollar out of 50 cents….how you will find Africans even in Uzbekisatn cause from a young age we are taught to never be afraid of challenges, Goliath my foot, we have no time for uncircumcised philistines …..our gloriously beautiful, burnt orange sunsets that are not just found at safari resorts but hear this… are everywhere all around us even in our cities and guess what our stars shine even when we are at home we can still sit under a starry sky and trace the milky way because well what can we say Africa has the best views and to think people pay for these views…
You read it here if you haven’t read it already lol and thank you to my amazing photographer friend Prosper Kunyetu who was so gracious as to allow me to tell you this picstory using his images.