Dawn of my new era
It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life for me
And I’m feeling goooooooooood…..
There is nothing like the beginning of a new decade to make you appreciate life. You somehow start to see things from a different perspective, you appreciate the people in your life more who have been there for you, you appreciate your parents and family even more! You start to appreciate the beauty of having companionship or not.
I turned 30 last year and I must say it’s been a year. Something happened to me that changed the way I see things. All of a sudden when I hear someone is turning 50 something I think, “they are so young!” I find most teenagers annoying, babies a reminder that time is moving and I am not here for forever. I am possibly closer to my death day than ever before!
So here is a list of things I have learnt that I had never thought about before until life happened to me..
1.Your company your energy: Protect your energy, protect your heart! The people you allow into your life play a huge role. You don’t need a collection of friends one good friend is sufficient. If you are constantly sad or complaining or negative check the people around you, are they negative? Are they always complaining? If so you need to reassess but also take a look at your self, why are you magnetic to these kind of people? It is never one sided, check yourself always
2. Take a gap year: This is one thing I wish I had done. I knew what I wanted to do, I knew who I wanted to be but I wish I had taken time off to do some soul searching, maybe done some voluntary work or just sat home and did nothing lol. There is no pressure to go to university, after graduation you can’t really take “time off” that’s when the real rat race journey begins. Right now, my body says take a gap year but my pocket says no!
3. Plan your day: A routine is super important be it a morning or evening one you need it. I think a morning one is so much better though. Now, I start my day with God by doing my morning devotions then I plan for my personal life first then work. In that order, God, me, others….selfish? I don’t care, you will wake up tomorrow without that job you were prioritising over everything else then what? Before I just used to do whatever, wake up and exist, whatever happens happens. It’s important to make a deliberate decision to observe your life, keep track of your time and account at the end of the day for discipline and consistency otherwise what are you doing?
4. People evolve: And never think you can change a person. People evolve and when that happens tastes and preferences adjust. Some people will evolve with you, some won’t and that’s okay. In as much as you might want not everyone is meant to be in your life till the end of time. Your friend will get married and priorities will change, that’s okay allow them to be. You will meet new people who will challenge your mind and all of a sudden that friend who only talks about Keeping Up With The Kardashians is not your cuppa tea no more that’s okay, drifting apart happens and its part of life.
5. Your relationship with God is between you and Him: One thing I am most grateful for is not being woken up to go to church, man! I am even smiling as I am typing this 🙂 I don’t have to lie about why I am not at church and I don’t feel the need to explain myself. Yes the bible says not to neglect the gathering together of brethren but friend your relationship with God is more important than gathering. At the end of the day it’s not going to be your church and you facing judgement it’s going to be you and you alone, Know God for yourself, love Him for yourself, worship Him for yourself not for the pastor, not for other congregants but for you and Him alone. I no longer agree with this notion of “if you don’t go to church who will attend your wedding, who will attend your funeral, who will stand with you” the people who care and are supposed to and want to will and that’s what matters.
I am excited about this new era.
I can’t wait for the lessons I will learn.
I am afraid of the mistakes I will make.
BUT the good always outweighs the bad AND
I have a feeling that this might just be it,
The year I find, walk and live my purpose.
This will be it.
And it will be one for the books.