Blog Indaba

…..class is in session

June 9, 2019

Many people have this misconception that to be a blogger you need to have a degree in Literature taught by Professor Fuller who studied at the Queens feet. Contrary to popular belief if you managed to sail your way through grade 3 composition topics like “The day I will never forget” then you are good enough. In fact if you can put one word after another and construct a sentence from it, you are the right person.

Everything matters when it comes to your blog firstly the name, your name is your fame haaahaaahaaaa #blognamesmatter . Your blog name sometimes says more about your blog before people actually start reading it, the name somehow gives people get a foretaste of your blog content. Which bring us to the next point the content, is your content quality enough for it to be memorable, does it actually do what you want it to do? You say like share and comment, does it move people to “share” and Comment? Pressure much, yes? Lastly the design work, you obviously want something that’s easy for people to navigate through but most importantly the design is the art and the art embodies you. At the end of the day everything has to make sense.

The internet is an epidemic and you need to use it to your advantage.  Use the internet for your branding. You can either decide to have different accounts for your blog or you can just use your personal social media pages, it is all up to you. Remember the internet is there to push brands, make full use of it.

You see successful blogs? People have had to work on them to make them what they are. Long before people relied on word of mouth for the success of their brands, now thanks to the internet a click, like and share can make all the difference. Now you find a brand can reach a million people in a matter of seconds. A blog is not just a blog, it’s a subliminal brand. Your blog represents you, your personality your thoughts and sometimes your intentions. Your blog needs the internet, it feeds off of the internet. The internet is the link to your readers

For your blog to take off it needs to be a good blog, the kind that moves people who read it. A good blog is like a warm bowl of cheesy lasagna in your tummy on a cold Monday evening sitting in front of the fire watching a classic Bond movie…subjective maybe? Definitely, subjective.  A good blog is subjective. People have different tastes, you win some you lose some, you cannot win them all.

So at the end of the day you need to feel your blog for people to feel your blog and don’t put yourself under pressure everything aligns eventually. Most importantly consistency is important, be consistent with your content 🙂

I LOVE this song….so you gotta be bad, you gotta be original with your blog, originality is everything 🙂
  1. shereen

    June 9, 2019

    i laughed out loud at ” studied at the queens feet.”

    • Nobu

      June 11, 2019

      Lol thank you for reading Shereen

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