#2018BOTY: Day 9
On the 9th day of christmas my true love sent to me, the shortest story she neeever told 😉
When the history of wine is being told, it is said that long ago, the farm workers used to give their babies a teaspoon or two or was it a tablespoon or two of strong stuff mainly wine cause it was within their reach so they would stop crying. So it would knock them out and they would sleep for hours on end giving their parents time to carry on with their daily work duties. I don’t know about the alcohol in their system and stuff I guess back then it really didn’t matter cause well they were going to be exposed anyway so why not catch them young they thought!
Walter Taurai Rambwi
Today i finally get to comment. Changed browser, i like your short article and the excuse too, ndeye vanhu vanonamata
Lol hanzi excuse